One of the only dairies of its type in the country. Mill-King produces low-temp pasteurized, non- homogenized milk without hormones or antibiotics. This means their milk, from cows in McClennan County, is the closest thing to pure, raw milk that is available. The low-temp pasteurization process preserves the milk’s beneficial enzymes and because the milk is not homogenized, the cream rises to the top of every bottle. Pure milk products-skim, 1%, Whole, half and half, heavy cream, farmstead butter, cheddar and mozzarella cheeses.

Dairy & Eggs
Mill-King, McGregor Tx
Goatilicious Dairy and Creamery, New Braunfels TX
Goatiliciousis a small family owned farm and creamery run by Claudia and Robert Ragels. They started breeding goats in 1999 and now raise the Nubian and LaMancha breed of dairy goats. Farm to Table carries two of their cheeses, Tomboy, a Tomma style aged cheese and LaMancha, a Manchego style aged cheese.
Cedar Ridge Farms, Pickton, TX
Cedar Ridge Farms, owned and operated by Sam Miller, produces pasture raised eggs in north east Texas. Because of the hens happy and healthy outdoor life you’ll notice an egg of beautiful color, rich flavor, and full of nutritional content. We couldn’t be prouder to partner with Cedar Ridge for local, family owned, pasture raised farm eggs.
Shirttail Creek Farms, Brenham TX
The original Shirt Tail Farm was founded in 1850 by the Krmaer Family near Brenham.. Carolynn and Sam Moffett bought the farm in 2017 and began raising egg-laying chickens immediately. Their chickens rotate on chemical-free pasture foraging bugs, seeds and leafy greens and roosting in their mobile coops at night. Supplemental feed, when needed includes one flock on soy and corn ration and a second flock on soy free, corn-free non-gmo ration.
Eggs R Us/Mid-States Specialty Farms, Knob Noster MO
Mid-States is comprised of a network of small Mennonite Farms located throughout southern Missouri. All of the family farms follow a strict set of Animal Welfare Guidelines and are Certified Humane. The network has available cage-free, free-range, pasture-raised and organic eggs.